
wheat aphid. Learn more about wheat aphid.

  • Which diseases and insect pests should be paid attention to during the filling stage of wheat?

    Which diseases and insect pests should be paid attention to during the filling stage of wheat?

    Which diseases and insect pests should be paid attention to during the filling period of wheat? Please introduce that during the Beginning of Summer's period, the northern winter wheat generally entered the flowering and filling stage, and the demand for water was relatively large. Due to the high humidity in the field, wheat aphids, stripe rust and other diseases and insect pests further developed and spread. So in the near future, all parts of the northern winter wheat region still need.

  • Three measures to improve the control effect of wheat aphid

    Three measures to improve the control effect of wheat aphid

    Wheat aphid is one of the main pests of wheat at present. In recent years, due to the change of climatic conditions, the reduction of the number of natural enemies and improper control measures in wheat field, the harm of wheat aphid is becoming more and more serious, resulting in the decrease of wheat yield and quality. In view of the situation of farmers in controlling wheat aphids, the following three measures can improve the control effect of wheat aphids. According to the control index, the control index of wheat aphid is 500 aphids per ear. As long as the land reaches the control target, it should be treated with medicine immediately. Carry out prevention and control according to the control index, no

  • Control of resistant aphids in Wheat

    Control of resistant aphids in Wheat

    Control of resistant aphids in Wheat

  • Problems and countermeasures in the control of wheat aphid

    Problems and countermeasures in the control of wheat aphid

    Problem 1: some farmers do not control wheat aphids according to the control index of wheat aphids, but control them after the wheat aphids are full of wheat ears, which not only cause harm to wheat, but also affect the control effect. The control index of wheat aphid is 500 aphids per ear. The plots that reach the control target should be treated with medicine immediately. Problem 2: if the drugs are not renewed, the wheat aphids will become resistant to the pesticides used, and the control effect is very poor. Countermeasures per mu at the initial stage of aphid occurrence

  • How to control wheat aphid more scientifically

    How to control wheat aphid more scientifically

    Wheat aphid is a kind of pest with the largest area and the most serious damage to wheat all the year round. Despite the perennial damage of wheat aphids, there are still some misunderstandings in the control of wheat aphids. How to control wheat aphid more scientifically? It is suggested that we should pay attention to the following three points: first, the appropriate period for prevention and control. In general years, the appropriate period for the control of wheat aphids (when the number of aphids per hundred plants rises to 500) is after wheat flowering (before grain filling), usually around May 5. It is best to start prevention and control during this period. As long as the drug is used in the right way and the dosage meets the requirements, it can be solved by one prevention and treatment.

  • The latest control methods of wheat aphids

    The latest control methods of wheat aphids

    Wheat aphids are one of the main pests of wheat, commonly known as oil insects, greasy insects, honey insects, etc., which can pierce and suck wheat, affect wheat photosynthesis and nutrient absorption and transmission, and concentrate on the spike after heading, forming blighted grains and reducing 1000-grain weight.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat aphids control methods is
  • Control methods of wheat aphids

    Control methods of wheat aphids

    Control methods of wheat aphids

  • APHIS gossypii

    APHIS gossypii

    Scientific name Schizaphisgraminum (Rondani) Homoptera, Aphididae. All over the country. Host wheat, barley, oats, sorghum, rice, Setaria, sedge and other Gramineae plants. The damage characteristics of wheat aphids often suck sap inside and outside the positive and negative sides of wheat leaves or the basal leaf sheath, resulting in yellow withering of wheat seedlings or unable to jointing on the soil, and serious wheat plants can not heading normally, which directly affects the yield. in addition, wheat yellow dwarf disease can be transmitted. Form

  • Chinese scientists have found that climate change is changing the dominant species of wheat aphids.

    Chinese scientists have found that climate change is changing the dominant species of wheat aphids.

    A few days ago, a team led by Ma Chunsen, a researcher at the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, found that climate change broke the original balance of agricultural pest communities and changed the relative dominance among species of agricultural pest communities. so that the succession of dominant species. But

    2016-03-20 China scientists have found that climate change is changing wheat aphid.
  • Control of wheat diseases and insect pests in March

    Control of wheat diseases and insect pests in March

    March is the first critical period for spring control of wheat diseases and insect pests in our province, and the main diseases and insect pests are wheat sheath blight, wheat spiders, seedling aphids and so on. In particular, if the control of wheat sheath blight is not effective, it will have a serious impact on wheat production.

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat March disease and pest control yes our province
  • APHIS gossypii

    APHIS gossypii

    Scientific name Diuraphisnoxia (Mordvilko) Homoptera, Aphididae. Synonym Brachycolusnoxius. Alias Russian wheat aphid. Distributed in *. In addition, the Liaohe River, the Yellow River. The Huaihe River and Haihe River basins are suitable for the growth of the insect. Foreign countries are mainly distributed in Ukraine, Central Asia, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Nepal, South Africa, Mexico, the United States and Canada. It is a major wheat pest in the world. It is the object of domestic quarantine. Host wheat, barley, rye, oat, black wheat, sparrow

  • Disease and pest control of wheat

    Disease and pest control of wheat

    Wheat spiders [distribution and damage] there are two main species of wheat spiders, the wheat round spider [Penthaleusmajor (duges)] and the wheat long-legged spider [Petrobialatens (Mullen)]. The former belongs to the family Acaridae, the latter belongs to the family Tetranychidae. All wheat areas are distributed across the country, with wheat long-legged spiders in the north and spiders in the south.

  • High-yield planting techniques and Disease Control of Wheat

    High-yield planting techniques and Disease Control of Wheat

    Wheat planting techniques and disease control wheat aphids control according to the damage characteristics of aphids, field inspection will be carried out from the beginning of February of the current and next year.

  • Four main diseases and insect pests of wheat in spring and their control methods

    Four main diseases and insect pests of wheat in spring and their control methods

    Four main diseases and insect pests of wheat in spring and their control methods

  • Common diseases of wheat and their control methods

    Common diseases of wheat and their control methods

    Common diseases of wheat and their control methods

  • How to control wheat diseases and insect pests

    How to control wheat diseases and insect pests

    How to control wheat diseases and insect pests? Please give guidance and introduce the following control methods for the prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests: stripe rust: adopt the strategy of "find one point and control one piece" in early spring, take medicine to detect and block the disease center, and combine spot control with general treatment in spring. seriously diseased fields and susceptible varieties see the progress of the disease.

  • The latest common diseases of wheat and their control methods

    The latest common diseases of wheat and their control methods

    Wheat is a traditional crop in China, which is often disturbed by diseases and insect pests in the process of wheat planting. These diseases and insect pests seriously affect the quality and yield of wheat and bring huge economic losses to farmers. To understand the characteristics and control methods of diseases and insect pests is to realize

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat common diseases and control methods
  • Pay attention to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in wheat seedling stage

    Pay attention to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in wheat seedling stage

    In recent years, the symptoms of withered spike often occur in some plots of wheat at milk stage, which has a great influence on the yield and quality of wheat. The main causes of wheat white spike are diseases and insect pests, such as sheath blight, root rot, total erosion, scab, wheat stem fly, wheat stem moth, golden needle worm and so on. Caused by different diseases and pests.

  • The control of wheat diseases, insect pests and weeds in spring is the key.

    The control of wheat diseases, insect pests and weeds in spring is the key.

    If the disease center is found in the field, spray control should be carried out in time. If the rate of diseased leaves reaches 5% and the severity is less than 10%, use 15% vermicelli wettable powder 50 grams or 20% strychnine EC 40 milliliters per mu, or 25% vermicelli wettable powder 30 grams per mu, or 12.5% Supra wettable powder 15 grams per mu.

  • How should wheat stripe rust and scab be treated? (with prevention and control methods)

    How should wheat stripe rust and scab be treated? (with prevention and control methods)

    At present, it is not only an important period for the formation of wheat yield, but also a critical period for the prevention and control of diseases and pests. Affected by the recent rainfall weather processes in Jianghuai, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the high number of bacteria in the field, the epidemic risk of scab increased, showing a recurrent epidemic trend.

    2020-11-09 Wheat strips rust red mildew should how medication attached